Monday, April 6, 2009

The Baby-Carrier in art and society

Yesterday we met up with reknowned artist Andrew Slater and his equally reknowned girlfriend Sarah Cook.

On a trip to the National Gallery of Scotland, I was able to continue my research for my monograph entitled 'The Baby Carrier in Art and Society'.

I was delighted to happen upon this scene which clearly shows that no less a baby than Jesus approves of baby carriers! Note the depiction of the woman worshipping the newly arrived Christ Child while wearing her less holy, but still historically important, baby on her back.

This shows that Life does indeed wear Art on her back, or front, nestled snugly in the latest baby carrying technology.


  1. We were delighted to accompany the wubba on her important investigations into art, and are happy to be of assistance anytime.
    sarah and andy

  2. dearest wubba,

    I am so pleased with your appraisal of art. You know the best way to view art is in motion. You need to have a certain rhythm to your momentum to fully appreciate art, so I suspect the baby carrier is perfect for this. And then there are two schools of thought as to sound. Firstly, to have your own gallery playlist can enhance your experience when viewing art. Specifically plastic bertrand goes down a treat. The second school of thought is as you enter the room find the naffest looking people and stand close enough to them to hear their conversations. This second approach gives you a wider cultural digestion of art. Two common phrases heard this way are: 'Oh, isn't that pretty', or 'i could do that'(if its modern that it). But occasionally you can hear some excellent commentary on artists or artwork.

    Love always Librarian
